Men’s Health

Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetics located in Summerlin, Las Vegas, NV

Men's Health

Men’s health is an area of healthcare that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and
treatment of health conditions that are specific to men. At LipoSculp, we offer men’s
health services, that help with erectile dysfunction, low testosterone and BHRT (affiliate
My Health Matrix), aesthetics, gynaecmastia correction, peptide therapy, hair loss
therapy. LipoSculp provider Dr.Mehta, as a provider for Phallofill, also specializes in
penile girth enhancement. The clinic offers in-person and virtual appointments, and
innovative treatment options


  • Penile Girth Enhancement*
  • Sexual Health & Erectile Dysfunction
  • Gynaecomastia
  • Low Testosterone *
  • Hair Loss Therapy
*Affiliate provider for My Health Matrix & Phallofill respectively.